First, we are sorry to hear that you are having issue. As an open source project in an early developmental stage, we are aware that there are still many bugs and issues to be fixed. We are working hard to improve the stability of the platform and to fix bugs as soon as possible. Lets get started with some basic troubleshooting if you encounter any issues when using the platform or one of the apps.
If you encounter any problems that you feel shouln't be problems , please head to, where our community is happy to help you. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. This should also be the first place to go, if you have any questions about the platform or the apps.
General Troubleshooting
We have devided the Troubleshooting section into three subparts to make it easier for you to find the right solution for your problem.
- General Troubleshooting (this page)
- Troubleshooting the Installation and the Server
- Troubleshooting the Orkestrator Interface
- Troubleshooting connected Apps
But first, allow us some general words about effective troubleshooting, with Arkitekt.
Reload!, Restart!, Restart!
Arkitekt is a complex system with many different components. It is not always easy to find the source of a problem, but like a lot of errors in computer science, the most likely scenarious is some weird state, that no-one anticipated. This is especially true for Arkitekt, as it is still in stages of development and some of the components are still in alpha or beta stage. But luckily we decided to design the core of Arkitekt in a way, so that resetting the system, to a clean state is as easy as possible and won't cause to much harm.
So, if you encounter any problems, the first thing you should try is to restart the smallest possible part of the system.
- If you have a problem with a specific app, try to restart the app.
- If its a plugin, try to restart the plugin.
- If the scheduling of a workflow goes wrong, try to restart the scheduler.
- If you have a problem with the interface, try to reload or restart the interface.
- And lastly if you have a problem with the server, try to restart the server.
If you are not sure, what part of the system is causing the problem, the server should be your last resort. The Arkitekt server platform really doesn't contain a lot of state, so restarting it won't really change that much, but it will cause all apps to restart as well, which might not be what you want.
Restart the smallest possible part of the system, that might cause the problem. Only restart the server, if you are sure, that the problem is not caused by the interface or an app.
The Arkitekt server platform is designed to be stateless. This means, that all data and state is stored in the database and the filesystem and not in the server itself. So even in the worst case scenario, where you have to restart the server, you shouldn't loose any data.
Arkitekt is constantly evolving and receiving updates. We are working hard to improve the stability of the platform and to fix bugs as soon as possible. So if you encounter any problems, the first thing you should try is to update the platform to the latest version. This version might already contain a fix for your problem. Importantly this also applies to the apps. If you encounter any problems with an app, you should always check if there is a newer version available. You can find information about how to update the platform and the apps in the installation section.
It is important to note, that the Arkitekt server platform and the Arkitekt Desktop Interface are two different components and are updated separately. So if you encounter any problems with the interface, you should have a look at the Orkestrator.
About Rekuest and Apps
The biggest source of errors in the Arkitekt system are the apps and especially their interplay with the Rekuest service. The Rekuest service is responsible for managing and monitoring the apps and their execution. If you encounter any problems with an app, that do not seem to be caused by the app itself, the first thing you should try is to check if there is something wrong with its connection to the Rekuest service. While we have put a lot of reconnection logic, into the apps, it is still possible, that the connection to the Rekuest service is lost. This can happen, if the Rekuest service is restarted or if the connection is lost for some other reason. We are continously working on improving the reconnection logic, but if you encounter any problems, the first thing you should try is to restart the app. This will cause the app to reconnect to the Rekuest service and might solve the problem.