Local Workflows
Local Workflows
While Arkitekt can be a great tool for orchestrating workflows on a multiple computers, spanning multiple programming languages, its modular design also makes it a great tool for orchestrating workflows on a single computer and inside a single (python) process. This is due to the nature that apps themselves are the schedulers of workflows, and that apps can become their own scheduler.
While this is a fully functionaly feature at the moment, it is still in its infancy and will be improved upon in the future. Not also that you need only two services to run a workflow locally (fluss and rekuest)
The local scheduler running a workflow. The workflow is running in the same process as the scheduler.
Everything is in memory, so there is no need to serialize and deserialize data. This means that you can pass around large objects without worrying about the performance hit of serialization and deserialization. This also means that you can pass around objects that are not serializable, such as open file handles, or objects that are not pickleable.
Additionally everything is hyper fast, as there is no network latency, and no need to wait for other computers to finish their work. This means that you can run workflows that are very fast, and that you can run workflows that are very slow without worrying about the network latency.
Lets see how to create a local workflow
Creating a local workflow is virtually equivalent to creating a workflow that runs in a distributed fashion. The only difference is that when
And execution is the same as well. Just start the workflow and it will run in the same process.