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The Arkitekt platform is a multi-project platform, each of which can develop on its own pace and with its own development team. These projects align with the Arktiekt platform's architecture and therefore its (micro)-services, all of which are managed in seperate github repositories, that include an increasing set of automation tools to help with the development process. With this multi-project approach we would like to ensure more agile development process, where each project can be developed and released independently of the other projects, and that you can choose which projects you want to use in your own Arkitekt platform.

On this page now you will be able to find an overview of all the projects that are part of the Arkitekt platform, and links to their respective repositories.

On the Arkitekt platform's architecture

The sheer number of projects that are part of the Arkitekt platform might seem overwhelming at first, but you will have to only interact with a small subset of them. Also if you don't know which part of the platform you encounter a problem with just post it on the main github issues page and we will make sure to help you out and point you in the right direction.

General Naming Conventions

Arkitekt projects are named after the a naming convention, to make the projects easier to find and understand.

The naming convention for service and libary stacks. The optional "Next" repositories exist for projects that undergo a major refactor for the next version publish

Arkitekt Core

The Arkitekt Core project is the core of the Arkitekt platform, and contains the core services that are required to run the Arkitekt platform. This includes the the webservers that are required to run the standard Arkitekt platform, but also the projects that are required to run the Arkitekt platform in a custom configuration.


  • Lok: Authorization and Authentication service
  • Rekuest: Node Repository and Task-Assignment
  • Port: Vritualization of plugin apps
  • Mikro: Microscopy Data Management
  • Fluss: Workflow management

GUI Clients

  • Orkestrator: The standard Arkitekt platform client (both desktop-app and web-app)

Management Tools

  • Konstruktor: The Arkitekt platform management tool (installer + admin)

Arkitekt SDK

The Arkitekt SDK is a set of tools that can be used to develop apps and plugins for the Arkitekt platform. The SDK is currently available in Python and partially in Javascript/Typescript (currently restricted to the React framework).


The python SDK is a set of tools that can be used to develop apps and plugins for the Arkitekt platform. You can find a global documentation for the tools here in the documentation. The modules however also have their own documentation, which you can find in the respective repositories. All projects are managed with poetry.

Meta Packages

  • arkitekt: A one-stop-shop for all the Arkitekt SDK tools for Python (includes the arkitekt CLI tool)

Core library

  • rekuest: A Python client for the Rekuest service, with convenience methods for quickly creating and running nodes
  • mikro: A Python client for the Mikro service, with convenience methods to interact with your data through common python abstractions (numpy, pandas, xarray, ...)
  • fluss: A Python client for Fluss service, to retrieve and alter workflows
  • unlok: A Python client for the Lok service, to interact with users, write comments, and manage permissions
  • port: A Python client for Fluss service, with convenience methods to create and run plugins
  • reaktion: A Scheduler for Fluss workflows, that can execute locally or use arkitekt to to run nodes remotely

Supporting libraries

These libaries provide non arkitekt specific functionality, but are used in the Arkitekt SDK.

  • fakts: An asynchronous configuration retriever, that can help in automatically retrieving configuration from the Arkitekt platform
  • herre: An asynchronous Oauth2 client, that provides various strategies to authenticate users with Arkitekt
  • turms: An easy code-generator that can help bridge Arkitekt GraphQL queries to native python objects
  • rath: A GraphQL client for Python, that can be used to interact with any GraphQL API
  • koil: An async-sync bridge, that faciliates the integration of the async Arkitekt SDK with syncronous code or other event-loops e.g. in Jupyter notebooks, or in a QTApp
The Arkitekt python client libraries and their dependency relations


The Typescript SDK is primarily designed around enabling the development of React apps for the Arkitekt platform. As Arkitekt is a web-server based platform this SDK is currently wrapping the GraphQL API of the Arkitekt platform very slimly without too many convenience methods. The organisation closely mimics the python SDK, with a few exceptions. All projects are managed with yarn.

Meta Packages

  • arkitekt-ts: A one-stop-shop for all the Arkitekt SDK tools for Python (includes the arkitekt CLI tool)

Core library

  • rekuest-ts: A Typescript client for the Rekuest service, with convenience methods for quickly creating and running nodes
  • mikro-ts: A Typescript client for the Mikro service
  • fluss-ts: A Typescript client for Fluss service, to retrieve and alter workflows
  • port-ts: A Typescript client for Fluss service, with convenience methods to create and run plugins

Supporting libraries

These libaries provide non arkitekt specific functionality, but are used in the Arkitekt SDK.

  • fakts-ts: An asynchronous configuration retriever, that can help in automatically retrieving configuration from the Arkitekt platform
  • herre-ts: An asynchronous Oauth2 client, that provides various strategies to authenticate users with Arkitekt

Arkitekt Apps

Additionaly to the Arkitekt platform, we manage a set of apps that are developed by the Arkitekt team, and that can be used to interact with the Arkitekt platform. They are all open-source and can be used as a starting point for your own apps.

Standalone GUI Applications

  • mikroj: The Arktitekt FIJI bridge (powered by pyimagej)
  • gucker: The Arkitekt FileWatcher App (used in streaming worfklows)
  • mikro-manager: The Arkitekt MikroManager Bridge (powered by pycro-manager)

Third-Party Plugins

Arkitekt Plugin-Apps

  • stdlib: The Arkitekt standard library with basic functionality
  • omero: A basic bioformats conversion plugin
  • renderfarm: A basic video and image rendering plugin
  • reaktor: An internal scheduling apps for Fluss workflows
  • kare: The CARE plugin
  • segmentor: The Stardist Plugin

Arkitekt Plugin-Apps (in development)

  • rektifier: A plugin to rectify images along a Line ROI

Arkitekt Next

Arkitekt next services are the next generation of Arkitekt services, with lessons learned from this iteration, that are currently in development. They are not yet ready for external use, but will provide a more flexible and scalable architecture for the Arkitekt platform, based on the Strawberry GraphQL framework. The transition to the new architecture will be gradual, and (besided mikro-next) will not require changes to the Arkitekt SDK. However the new architecture will require a new set of GUI clients, that are devleoped in paralel. Once deemed stable a migration guide will be provided. The progress of the development is currently not public, but if you are interested please ask any time.