Lok is a central backend to manage and authorize User and Applications in a distributed settings. Loks provides endpoints for apps to configure themselvers (through the Fakts protocol) and in a second step to authenticate and authorize users. For the latter it is build on top of Oauth2 and OpenID Connect. It then provides a central authentication and authorization service for applications to register and authenticate users, and issues JWT token for accessing services.
As JWT are cryptographically signed, they can be verified by any service, and do not require a central session store.
This distributed and scalable authentication and authorization system, was developed as the backbone for the Arkitekt platform, but can be used as a standalone service for any application.
Open Lok on GithubDesign
Lok employs patterns for distributed authentication and authorization, through the use of JWT tokens. These tokens represent cryptographically signed claims about the user and the application issued by the Lok server. They can be verified by any service, and do not require a central session store.
An excerpt of the Arkitekt Schema with some Metadata models that are attached to the images.
- Application Registration (Authentication of apps based on various Flows)
- App Configuration (apps can retrieve their configuration from the server)
- User Authentication and Authorization
- User and Application Management
- Distibuted Authentication
- Social Features (Comments)
- User Profiles
All features are exposed through a GraphQL API, which can be used to interact with the system.
Next Features
Lok is currently undergoing a major rewrite, to make it more modular and easier to extend. This rewrite will transition the system to a more modular architecture based on modern Django and the awesome Strawberry GraphQL library.
Additionally to the listed features above, the following features are planned:
- More diverse App Registration Flows (e.g. for Websites)
- Social Login (Login with Orcid, Github, Google,... )
- User Profiles with social account information
- Notificaition Backend (with Mobile Push Notifications)
- More Security Features (e.g. 2FA)